Inspired by the glorious weather that we’d been having at the time (and also linked to her children’s current fascination with all things space themed!) Laura set up a creative learning opportunity whereby her children could develop their fine motor skills to create their very own sunshine masterpiece.
This activity was messy, but yet not messy!! It particularly appealed to those children who do not relish the feel of paint upon their hands and who do not really like to get messy!
Instead of the more traditional way of painting the children’s hands were above the paint on cling film; yet they were still able to mix and move the paint around.
They could use their imagination to explore differing ways to spread the paint around. They found squeezing, splatting, tapping, pushing and pinching the cling film were just some of the many ways to do this!
Masterpieces emerged… yet hands remained remarkably clean… magic!! xxxx