Our children’s excitement has turned from all things spooky to all things sparkly as many are now excitedly talking about watching fireworks in their garden and having sparklers with their families at the weekend!!
So this week, stemming from their interests, we have seen children creating bonfires out of craft materials, we’ve had children whizzing and jumping and twirling and swirling outside as they’ve pretended that they themselves are fireworks (with some AMAZING sound effects to accompany them too!!!) and now Tia has excitingly replicated the night sky in a mini ‘tuff tray’ ready for some very exciting mark-making in Cheeky Monkeys…
After dying some rice black and then layering this on top of sparkles and sprinkles she has then added stars and pipe cleaners in the most exciting and inviting way to entice our children to explore and play.
It has been wonderful to see the magic on their faces as their night sky turned bright and sparkly as they twirled and swirled their fingers around !! Xxxx