This little one melted Fiona’s heart this morning with the total joy she could see in her face whilst she was telling Fiona all about her holiday photos that they were looking at together on the tablet.
She talked about each one individually; ‘the crab goes pinch, pinch’, ‘I smashed ****’s sand castle and she was cross’, ‘ice cream was yummy’! ‘Birds with daddy’, ‘It’s a water fountain’.
She was just soooooo excited to talk about them all with Fiona when she shared the photos that her mummy had sent in on the app. Recounting her adventures and smiling widely as she reflected very fondly upon all her recent holiday fun…
We love it when parents/carers work in close partnership with us and we love it when they upload photos of weekend adventures, special family occasions, holiday fun etc.
These all help to strengthen links between home and nursery and they offer a different platform to really get our children excitedly talking about significant people/things/events in their lives with grown ups and each other too… after all who doesn’t like to reflect upon time spent with our nearest and dearest?! Xxxx