Our babies have loved to explore the play dough recently sat at the table… They had lots of different wooden tools to roll out the dough and make marks with too!
They also had some cutters to make different shapes and after careful modelling by practitioners they had soon learnt how to use them and were amazed by the shapes created and the marks they had made in their dough!
Our children were confident when handling tools and they used them effectively to make marks (and consequently then explore texture and pattern!), but many also liked to simply use their hands to make marks too as they enjoyed the sensory feedback the dough provided them with.
They also loved changing the form of the dough by breaking off different pieces and then passing them to the grown ups… After all, we do LOVE to share here at Jollies
Squishing and squashing doughy ways and exciting imprinting days spent exploring here at Jollies!! Xxxx