Recently we were invited by ‘Woodlesford In Bloom’ to take part in helping to make the new Woodlesford Bug Hotel on the grassed area over the road from Jollies. How exciting was this?! We being part of such a wonderful local community…
We loved to listen to ‘Woodlesford In Bloom’ talking about how we were going to contribute and we then followed their instructions to use various materials; such as conkers, leaves, sticks, pinecones and toilet roll tubes, to create a super luxurious environment for future bug guests.
We liked talking about which bugs may come and visit and we all took it in turns to place the different materials into the Bug Hotel!
Lots of fun exploring the natural world around us was had and we can’t wait to observe the first guests checking in soon… We’ll be keeping a very close eye upon future visitors and we’ll see which creatures we can spot and then find out more about them as we always love to find out more, more, more, more, more here at Jollies!! xxxx