Our children have found a recent fascination for talking about homes and families and sharing what these look like for all of them. Houses have been at the forefront of many of these conversations; especially after they read the book ‘This is my home’…. Soooo many wonderful discussions ensued.
So to follow on from this current interest and fascination Kirstan and Laura decided to go for a walk around the village with their children and see all the different types of houses they could all spot together!
From terraced houses, semi-detached, detached ones, bungalows, to converted churches, they spotted friends’ houses and some children even spotted their own as they walked around!!
They all did some amazing walking, talking and listening! They then stopped at the shop on their way back to Jollies and bought some cookies as a treat as this was an opportunity to work upon their maths and money knowledge too! (Every opportunity is a learning one after all!)
Following our children’s interests and getting out and about in wonderful Woodlesford to really help bring learning to life… it’s just the Jolly way!! Xxxx