Experimentation was the name of the game when Jade and her children were using and exploring the paint recently as they decided they wanted to do some painting, but instead of just using paint Jade added crazy foam into the mix!!
Her children could add foam and different colours and quantities of paints into their tray and then they gave it a mix to see what would happen before placing their paper on top.
Fabulous mixing occurred and lots of discussion about the colours of the paint and what it looked like when it mixed with the crazy foam naturally arose. Once the paper was placed onto the paint the children then pressed it down firmly to transfer the print onto their paper.
When they all lifted the paper off they were very pleased with their artwork as you could see all of the different colours and how they had squashed and squeezed and mixed together.
A unique and wonderful piece of artwork was created, but the process was way more important as it was fascinating to watch colours mixing, textures being explored and little fingers really got working and strengthening to independently add paints from their chosen bottles by pumping them and then mixing them into the foam with little sticks which required a firm pincer grip and excellent control!
Painting with a twist… it’s just the Jollies way!! Xxxx