Our little ones have been focusing upon their fine motor skills using coloured shapes, screws and a screwdriver. They all got busy screwing different shapes onto their boards, as well as recognising colours and the names of common shapes throughout this activity through discussion with nearby grownups.
It is interesting to closely observe how our little ones hold their screwdrivers, noting the grips they naturally use and also which hand appears to be their dominant one. We look closely at how they manipulate their tools and whether they naturally coordinate themselves to hold the board in place whilst screwing by utilising both sides of their brain/body in order to complete the task in the most effective way possible.
These are the kinds of activities that are the precursors for developing early writing skills; as if you can’t grip a pencil you won’t be able to make meaningful marks…
So get those construction kits and tools out as it will lead to great writers in the future xxxx