Cheeky Monkeys have been working on their fine motor skills with Tia, using their fingers to carefully free the animals from the tape. They were very soon being closely observed ‘picking, pulling and peeling’ them free!!
The problem of how to free them was all theirs to solve and they soon found the most effective strategies through a process of trial and error and some strategic thinking at times too…
Some children struggled with this concept initially and couldn’t quite work out how to peel the tape enough to set the animals free, but most were determined to do it!
We saw some fabulous perseverance as our children continued trying, watching what their friends were doing and also looking at techniques modelled by Tia and then copying until they did it! They were all so pleased when they managed to free their animals after using a trial and error approach having been so determined not to give up!!!! Xxxx
(Just to clarify: No animals were harmed in the making of this activity )