……..Being outdoors with our brilliant friends!! xxxx

We love to celebrate all the milestones in our children’s lives with them; from feeding themselves for the first time, creating animal sound effects, saying their very first words, pulling themselves to standing, taking their first nursery steps, climbing up the stairs, whizzing down the slide, counting to 3, 5, 10, 20…100, singing at the top of their voices, completing a tricky jigsaw, to retelling (and often re-enacting!) a fabulous story!!
Every achievement is recognised and celebrated and we build our children’s resilience by encouraging them to try, try, try until they achieve their desired result when they undertake a task. We praise them with our smiles, our high fives, our cheers, our words and we love it when they praise themselves with a HUGE grin and a little clap too!
Sharing in these moments is nothing short of amazing and we feel privileged to be part of it all; scaffolding, enabling, inspiring and supporting as our children grow and learn and progress along their individual journeys…
Our children are brilliant at sharing in their friends’ special moments and achievements too and celebrating with their besties is simply awesome and one moment EVERY person at Jollies loves is… a birthday!!
What a milestone this is for our children as they grow and thrive and we love to celebrate in style… we have a birthday chair and a frame for selfies, we sing the happiest happy birthday song and best of all… we love to share in a cake too!
Birthdays come and go as our children develop and grow and we love celebrating EVERY SINGLE achievement along the way with them… xxxx
Technology toys give us all the opportunity to explore this concept…
When I push this button what happens next?
When I tap that part of the touch screen what will I see?
When I press the remote control where will the car whizz to?
When I choose this option from the tablet’s menu which game will I play next?
…….So many options and so many things to explore as we join our friends taking turns and collaborating to achieve our desired results.
Fabulous friendship ways and terrific technological days spent learning together here at Jollies xxxx
Fortunately there’s many years ahead to make such life decisions and career choices… but in the meantime this little one tried a bit of everything in our Jolly mud kitchen and on our Jolly building site
In the Early Years you can transform yourself into whoever, and whatever, you want to be and the possibilities are literally endless…
We wonder though which directions our previous Jolly Babies, from over the past 18 and a half years, have chosen to travel in and the courses they’ve studied, the paths they’ve forged and the travels they’ve been on so far as they’ve started to follow their own dreams for real in pursuit of their exciting future careers?! xxxx
Fruity ice pop making in the sunshine was all the rage this morning at Jollies ready to cool our little Possums down later…. Yummy!
As well as creating a refreshing healthy treat, this activity was also a superb opportunity to naturally extend vocabulary as Ellison named all the fruits and her children attempted to copy the words she was saying for each.
After our children had followed instructions and added their chosen fruits to the lolly maker mould they used their hand/eye coordination and physical skills to carefully pour the juice in.
All that was left to do was freeze…. So later they can then see the changes that have occurred too… Truly fascinating stuff this ice lolly making!! Xxxx
In Terrific Twos our children have lots of interests and one of them is TRANSPORT! They love cars, trains, bikes… everything transport related! So, responding to her children’s observed interests, Laura created an open invitation for everyone to come and join in pushing cars and trains along the road, but not just ordinary cars… before they were taken for a drive their wheels could whizz through many differently coloured paints.
The children created lots of marks in the process as they took their vehicles for a drive along the roadway and it turned out that incorporating paint with vehicles was simply lots of fun!
It was interesting to look at all the different tyre tracks that were being made and see where the cars had travelled to and from and also observe how colours changed as they were mixed together on the roadway as the vehicles journeyed in their differing directions… xxxx
Same resource… different use….
Instead of climbing to the top and sitting and admiring our view (and achievement!!), the self-selected challenge for our oldest children was: leaping off from as high as they possibly could… and they could!!!!!
At Jollies our children blossom, grow and thrive and we are all so very proud of their achievements and milestones as we share in their learning journey and support them along the way as each tiny step is taken, each challenge is completed, each wonderful discovery is made, each setback is met with sheer resilience and each mission is finally accomplished…
Learning in the Early Years is simply nothing short of amazing and Team Jollies feel privileged to be part of it all… BRING ON THE FUN xxxx