Our babies are splashing in the tub!!

At Jollies it’s all about the strong bonds and ‘tuning into’ what our children really desire… and this was illustrated perfectly through a recent interaction between Laura and one of her children.
They brought her over some material so they could play peek-a-boo!! They were making their intentions very clear to her as they instigated this game…
So Laura decided it would be even more fun to do it together… so they then both hid under the blanket.
This was found to be extremely funny and the little one just kept giggling and all her friends around her were entertained and soon joined in too.
When they then pulled the material off their heads together (…….after the anticipation of building this moment up!) they found it even funnier and the giggles soon turned into full on belly laughter!!!!
Magic moments spent playing together here at Jollies xxxx
Emma got little fingers strengthening and hand/eye coordination growing recently when she set up an invitation to play in the messy tray.
Our children threaded straw pieces onto spaghetti to create their structures and there was lots of discussion of colours and patterns and also naturally tonnes of counting too!!
Yet all the while their physical skills were being developed as fine motor control and coordination was very much the name of the game… along with extreme focus and concentration!
Pasta pieces and containers also lurked beneath in the tray and these captured little imaginations too as our children emptied and filled and whilst doing so they naturally compared quantities and developed their understanding of capacity! They all definitely tried to get as much into their boxes as they could…
One tray…. Sooooooooooo much learning taking place xxxx
From going on a ribbon hunt all around nursery, exploring and pouring pink water, squishing pink crazy foam, delving into sensory trays of pinkness, building pink towers, baking pink buns, decorating pink biscuits, creating shadows using pink sticky resources on the giant projector to creating a pink masterpiece… it’s all been going on here at Jollies and it’s been a case of pink, pink, pink everywhere and we’ve LOVED it!!!!
Thank you Team Jollies for your amazing creativity and sense of fun as you inspire our children’s wonderful learning
Independence and perseverance is not just confined to our oldest children…
This little one was observed working so very hard to put the clip back together on the baby doll carrier. They were looking closely throughout and really focusing on what they were doing as they tried to complete this self-set task. After persevering they successfully put the clips together, but they didn’t then push it in fully so they could keep on continuing to take it apart and then do it up again independently… lots of repetition, time, patience and perseverance led to this skill being quickly mastered… xxxx
Some of our children have loved dressing up recently and when they wanted to pop their favourite costumes on they automatically sought help from a nearby grown-up to do this for them.
After being asked for help Imogen thought she’d try to see if our children could do it themselves with gentle guidance and lots of encouragement.
With a little direction regarding where to start, or how to slightly adjust to wiggle costumes on, our children were soon dressing themselves in some fabulous outfits. They may have initially struggled whilst pulling up the material, but Imogen naturally gave lots of praise and encouragement to keep them going and with this they were soon filled with determination!! The sense of achievement made their dressing up even more satisfying.
Dressing up days and determined learning ways spent imagining here at Jollies xxxx
It was pittas for tea recently, but Emma and Imogen decided to turn this into an even more exciting learning opportunity by making pittas with a twist… as they morphed into pitta based pizzas instead!
Our children got to pick their own toppings and they were super grown up, careful and independent as they used the safety knife to chop up their chosen toppings before they placed them on top of their pitta pizza. It was a very, very yummy tea and tasted all the better as the children knew they had created their very own unique pitta pizza that was exactly to their taste!
Independent ways and pizza munching days spent learning here at Jollies xxxx