A vision of the future for our smallest Jollies?!?

Same resource… different use….

Instead of climbing to the top and sitting and admiring our view (and achievement!!), the self-selected challenge for our oldest children was: leaping off from as high as they possibly could… and they could!!!!!

At Jollies our children blossom, grow and thrive and we are all so very proud of their achievements and milestones as we share in their learning journey and support them along the way as each tiny step is taken, each challenge is completed, each wonderful discovery is made, each setback is met with sheer resilience and each mission is finally accomplished…

Learning in the Early Years is simply nothing short of amazing and Team Jollies feel privileged to be part of it all… BRING ON THE FUN ? xxxx

King of my castle

Literally ‘King of the Castle’ after climbing a (tyre) mountain… putting our physical skills to the test is simply the best!!♥️ xxxx

Who’s Next?!


Our children loved playing alphabet lotto recently. In order to encourage their independence and resilience Emma tried not to get too involved as she encouraged them to keep track of whose turn it was next and how the game should progress… Generally this worked well, but she had to occasionally sensitively intervene as a little support was needed at moments to keep everything fully on track.

Alphabet ways and turn-taking days spent playing and learning together here at Jollies ♥️ xxxx

Is there a doctor in the house?!


You’re in safe hands here at Jollies as we have several!! ♥️ xxxx

Elephants were sparkling too here at Jollies


It wasn’t just our Cheeky Monkeys children enjoying the sparkle… as Exploring Elephants got in on the shiny act too… but instead of housing a selection of shiny amazing treasures on top of their foil blanket, theirs was used to hide inside as the best kind of sparkly den!!

Mirrored ways and den building days spent playing here at Jollies ♥️xxxx

Summer Celebration 2023

Thank you all soooooooooo much for coming to our 2023 Summer Celebration. We hope you enjoyed having time to chill out and chat to Team Jollies and other mummies and daddies. We hope you loved your cheeky Pimms (or juice) and all the cakes the children had made for you all.

We hope you also loved looking through your little ones’ Jolly Memories Books and getting a glimpse into all their learning and fabulous adventures whilst here at nursery…. Thank you all for being part of our Jolly Family and for giving up your precious time to work in such close partnership with us…. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

See you all in December for mulled wine and mince pies ?????Xxxx

What steam train?!


We heard a whisper that the Scarborough Spa Express was coming through Woodlesford Station this morning, so all our children upstairs decided to take a walk over the road to Woodlesford Station.

We are all train spotters here at Jollies so the opportunity to see an actual steam train was just too good to resist!

Our children got themselves comfy at the station (and even had an alfresco snack there as part of their exciting morning) and they waited, and waited, and waited and waited some more….

It was AMAZING the amount of trains that passed… some were very fast and some were slow and some actually stopped in the station, but all were very interesting! Alas there was no steam train though… it had been delayed and we all had to return to Jollies for our lunch.

Despite the lack of steam train it was very much not a wasted opportunity. We found out how to keep ourselves safe at the station, we counted trains and passengers getting on and off, we looked at numbers and signs in the environment all around us and we crossed roads safely and with care. This was alongside having superb conversations about what we could see and hear all around us all the time.

Every moment is a learning opportunity after all and despite the lack of steam our morning was simply a dream!! ♥️ xxxx

Our Snail Friend


One minute our children are holding Stripy (our Giant African Land Snail), the next he’s inspiring some superb artwork on our huge interactive screen!! ♥️ xxxx

Sandy fingers and sandy toes…


We love learning through our play as we discover the amazing possibilities of a sand pit… It could be a sandpit we stand at, or a HUGE one we sit in, but the outcome for both is simple… it’s simply AMAZING to explore in!! Xxxx

Captured in dough


Emma couldn’t smile wide enough this morning when one of her little ones captured her image in playdough… we think that the likeness is uncanny!! (It’s definitely all in the smile) xxxx