Latisha and the children were fascinated when they looked out of the window together…. The snow had started to fall and this caused great excitement!! There was talk of snowmen and snowflakes and soon after the group enjoyed wrapping up warm ready to go and explore the actual snow outside!! xxxx
If we’re not swinging until our hearts are content we are positively glowing with the possibilities our sensory room and all the amazing resources it has to offer…
From light up phones to a board of light switches, to balance boards, to bubbles and fish that glow, glow, glow…
This sensory space really does have it all going on!! Xxxx
Our newly-revamped sensory room has a rather wonderful Lycra suspension swing so our children can envelop themselves in material and feel enclosed and develop their awareness of their body in space through the sensory feedback they receive.
However, a new addition which can also be added and hung from the same special fixings has appeared… the Lycra can be replaced with a super whizzy bar with handles. Here our children can lift their bodies off the ground and revel at being suspended in the air; they can even go upside down if they so desire… and quite a few have a natural urge to get themselves into this position!! Soooo funny to explore the world hanging upside down from this angle… (and the balance and core/body strength required is phenomenal!).
Our sensory room has been stripped back and each room observes their children and then goes and grabs the most appropriate resources box from our huge collection of sensory boxes/resources upstairs in order to bring the maximum excitement and challenge into this unique space that truly matches their children’s energy, drive, wants, needs and interests so precisely xxxx
Our little Jolly lending library is restocked again and ready and waiting for you to borrow a book or two throughout the coming week…
We know you’ll all have so many books at home already, but sometimes it’s nice to mix it up a little and share a new one together!
Please feel free to borrow the accompanying toys and puppets too… Will the Big Bad Wolf capture your little one’s attention as he huffs and puffs? Will Elmer enjoy being wheeled around your house meeting all your little one’s cuddly toys? Will they end up having a colourful tea party together? Will the Bunny get extra snuggles as you share ‘Guess How Much I Love You’?!
Please, please, please borrow any books and toys that you would like to truly bring stories alive at your house. All we ask is that once you’ve enjoyed sharing them you bring them back and pop them on the shelves again ready to bring other Jolly friends’ imaginations alive too.
Enjoy happy, snuggly, exciting story-sharing times together xxxx
February is the month of love and we definitely love our families, our Jolly Family, our friends, our wonderful village and we just generally LOVE life!!!!
Here’s to amazing times with our nearest and dearest and holding them close and cherishing their love, as it definitely makes the go round and our days just that bit brighter!! Xxxx
Even our youngest babies like to give things a go for themselves… this little one started to get to grips with the spoon and persevered as they were determined to be independent!!
Lots of prior scooping and filling in the messy tray, lots of shape sorter play, lots of tackling of insert puzzles, lots of manipulation of construction and a wealth of other carefully-planned, purposeful play all build the hand/eye coordination, the spatial awareness, the hand strength, the fine motor manipulation which all lead up to being able to fill a spoon and successfully get the spoon and its contents to our mouths… xxxx
It was off to the beach for Imogen and her little friends recently… their boot was packed with all the essentials, but the children were mostly focused upon ensuring they had packed the snacks!!! xxxx
Our children love their key person here at Jollies and they are the first person who helps them settle into nursery life and they are the extra special person who is there for both them and their parents/carers.
Yet in a short space of time they usually have a bond with ALL the lovely Jolly grown ups within their room as each room is like a little family within our larger Jolly Family and they become very close with everyone!
Once they leave a room ready to journey into the next they encounter a new key person and these bonds quickly form and grow again and they are very lucky as each member of Team Jollies brings something slightly different into the mix and it is wonderful to see where their Jolly journey will take them to next as they learn through their play with their very special people xxxx