A hive of activity!!


After enjoying their breakfast recently Exploring Elephants’ role play house soon became a hive of activity when the group naturally gravitated towards it. They all took to looking after their ‘Baby Gruffalo’ and they were taking it in turns to nurture the baby and take care of their house… there were just so many chores to complete!!

The group chatted together and made sure to only make food that the baby could have, there was much discussion observed by Blue around the exact food required… “Baby can’t have potatoes…..will make him poorly!” “Banana instead!”

There was also lots of cleaning of the house too, from “hoovering the rug” to “washing up”. Well done everyone, what busy bees you all were working together… great teamwork!! ♥️ xxxx

Letting our little ones go…

It’s never an easy thing to do and we are going to miss them terribly, but when parents and carers express the impact we’ve had upon their children throughout their Jolly journeys it simply makes our team’s hearts smile ♥️♥️♥️♥️

“We would like to express our gratitude for the time and dedication you have shown over the past few years. Cora has truly enjoyed her time at the nursery from day one, and it has been wonderful to see her thrive and grow under your care.

We are incredibly grateful for the love, patience, and support you have given Cora. Thank you once again for everything you have done. Your dedication has made a significant positive impact on Cora’s early years, and for that, we are deeply appreciative”

Thank you all again for your kind words, your gifts and cards and for working in partnership with us to support your little ones throughout their nursery journeys. It means so very much to Team Jollies xxxx

Re-fuelling in our Jolly mud kitchen…


After a hard morning’s work (tyre) mountain climbing there was only one thing to do… have a quick pit stop to refuel by frying up a feast in the (mud) kitchen…. Mmmmm yummy!!

Climbing days and collaborative cooking ways spent playing outside together here at Jollies ♥️ xxxx

The tiger who came to tea!

At Jollies a ???? came to ☕️????

Our children have been loving Stephen’s new area where stories can really come alive!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️xxxx

Building a picture…


Free-Flow have been playing with the ‘Bloxels’ recently and they have found them to be lots and lots of fun. Using these mini blocks has involved talking about colours, looking carefully at patterns in order to follow them closely and counting out the number of blocks required to recreate the selected pattern/design… all whilst drawing upon our fine motor skills to manipulate them!

This little one was super excited to have a go, he showed his colour recognition expertise and did well with counting too! The main challenge he faced initially was knowing exactly where to place the blocks on his grid and he initially needed lots of guidance regarding where to put them… However, after this initial support and scaffolding by a nearby supportive grownup he was then able to go on to complete this task and he was VERY proud when he had finished his tree! ????

Carefully observing ways and hand/eye coordinating days spent creating here at Jollies ♥️xxxx

Having a splashing time!!!


Two water trays, two pieces of guttering and lots of different resources… What could Stephen’s children possibly get up to this time?!

There were certainly plenty of different opportunities for his children to explore! Would they opt to pour and fill? Would they focus upon (and sort!) colours? Would they roll the balls up and down the ramps? Or would they prefer to balance the balls?

Stephen sat back and observed the play and interactions closely that followed… One little one enjoyed creating a ‘waterfall’ by pouring water down the tubes at a fast pace with their friends. Another then guides and changes the play and they add in some balls and use them to roll up and down the ramps, using force, when necessary, to ensure they make it all the way and land in the opposite tray!!

Lots of imagination was exhibited as objects were imagined to be something entirely different to their intended purpose and lots of cooperation, conversation and collaboration occurred as plans were negotiated and games and scenarios unfurled as the variety of objects on offer were used by our little ones to explore and investigate! ♥️ Xxxx

We are all beautiful inside and out…


Imogen had a brilliant conversation when she was with one of her little ones who had noticed something different on her face and he was curious about what it was… They used the mirror to look and Imogen quickly realised that it was her freckles (that had come out) that he had noticed!

They then used the mirror again and he looked to see if he had any freckles on his face, but he couldn’t spot any…

This then sparked a conversation about how everyone is different and how we are all beautiful inside and out and how people can have different features; like different coloured eyes, hair and skin, but that we are all amazing!

Looking at reflections soon led on to them both taking silly selfies too! Everyone knows our children love any excuse to strike a pose and squeeze in a quick selfie!! ????????????????

Closely observing days and celebrating our unique and wonderful ways spent deep in conversation together here at Jollies ♥️ xxxx

Sad Goodbyes…

It’s that time of year when we begin to say goodbye to some of our friends as they come to the end of their Jolly journeys… it’s a real wrench to let them go as they have been part of our family for such a long time, but we know that we must!

It makes our hearts smile when our children and their parents/carers take time to share their feelings with us as they say a final goodbye…

We are feeling grateful here at Jollies for all the kind words and gifts and we hope that the memories we have created over all those years will be treasured ones as our children prepare to spread their wings and fly!!

Thank you for all the love, laughter and fun and for being part of our Jolly Family ♥️ You’ll all be missed…. Xxxx

Mmmmmm decisions, decisions….

Here are just a few of the exciting play and learning opportunities on offer for our Free-Flow children today… Will they be saving the day as knights fighting the dragons? Will they scoop and pour using the magical treasure tea set? Will they nurse their friends back to health in our Jolly hospital? Or will they feast together after preparing a delicious meal in our role-play area?!

We don’t know yet, but what we do know is that being with our friends is simply the best and learning together through our play is what life is all about in the Early Years ♥️ xxxx

When I’m painting windows!!


Our little ones love painting and they simply had a ball when they got to experience a totally new blank canvas…. Not just any old canvas though, it was a transparent one!!

Evie turned her room’s door into the best surface to paint and create on. Her children could splash and splodge and smear and spread as they used the paintbrushes to create their marks.

They found it fascinating then that they could play peekaboo through it with their friends too!

This activity was fabulous for encouraging standing (for those who are currently learning to and are now obsessed with doing this), plus it encouraged little bodies to stretch, reach and balance as paints were reached for and marks were created. Core strength and stability was the name of the game; along with fine motor manipulation as brushes were held on to and wonderful creativity as marks were made.

Quirky painting ways and masterpiece creating days… it’s just the Jolly way!! ♥️ Xxxx