Category: Uncategorized

It’s a MAMMOTH task…

…reading all these new books in our Jolly lending library each week!!! Lots of lovely new books (and a woolly!!!!) added to our Jolly Lending Library for you all to enjoy…….. Will a space story float your boat? Will a bunny tale bounce into your house? Will Paddington come to stay? Will you find out …

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Leaves are falling…

……… autumn is calling!!!! Sian and I have been busy crafting creating pumpkins to decorate our autumnal window… I think we may be a little obsessed?!?! Autumnal ways and happy pumpkin days spent here at Jollies xxxx

Pink Day

Our all year round tree is now a vision in pink in preparation for our ‘Wear it Pink’ day (a week on Friday!) to raise awareness and pennies for Breast Cancer Now We hope you’ll all check your boobies, but also that your little ones will join Team Jollies in all the pink fun!! If …

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Check out our new wheels!!

Kirstan spent yesterday morning being chief mechanic putting together and checking over our new vehicles that had been delivered to nursery in HUGE boxes at the start of the week… It was then over to our children to put them to the test. They loved scootering and balancing as they rode along and there was …

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A marvellous moment with a book and a bestie…

What a cute little moment Natalie captured recently when she spotted these two little besties relaxing in the reading area… They were enjoying looking at books together laid down on the cushions next to each other. They especially loved having a look through the Peppa books as they both enjoyed chatting away to each other …

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It’s Slime Time!!!!

Stephen’s children had been loving sensory play so recently he took the slime outside into the garden for them to carry on exploring!! There were some metal spoons and bowls alongside the slime and our children soon put them to full use!! They liked to experiment to see whether they could scoop the slime into …

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Roll on Autumn….

We are definitely feeling the autumn vibes as this exciting time of year arrives… the weather is a little crisper and the leaves that little bit crunchier!! So Natalie decided to explore playdough enhanced with lots of different autumnal items for her children to look at and talk about. Natalie and her little ones discussed …

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Turning role-play into reality….

Last week Exploring Elephants thought they’d put their culinary skills to the test as they had loved playing in the role-play kitchen so much. They had all been obsessed with looking through the different recipe books in there and this had then progressed onto them creating buns in the play dough with Nat-Nat and so …

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Play is our work….

….. and we take this very seriously indeed!! We work sooooooooo hard and we love mark-making, collaborating, communicating, creating and imagining together. All you need is some friends, some fab resources and a little bit of imagination and you are all set!! Collaborative ways and hard-working days spent together here at Jollies xxxx

Ready, Steady….. BAKE!!!!

Recently Natalie and her children were looking through different recipe books together in the kitchen role play area and they were pointing to all the different biscuits, buns and other delicious treats. This sparked some great conversation about their likes and dislikes and they enjoyed having a lovely chat together as a group. They then …

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