Category: Uncategorized

As pleased as Punch!!

Getting creative with paint, but then adding an exciting extra dimension with the craft shape punches… This little one tried really hard to use the shape hole punches and his perseverance paid off when different shapes were added to the edge of his masterpiece… He would give himself a little cheer every time he managed …

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A total inspiration!!!

We can’t thank the Rothwell crew enough for coming to visit us last week and they have certainly inspired us within nursery… Free-Flow spent all day Friday making their very own fire engine and then they created hoses to put out mini firesall around the room as they role-played imaginatively together… Role-playing days and the …

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A REAL fire engine came to visit us!!!

Yesterday we were all very giddy and full of smiles here at Jollies when a real-life HUGE fire engine came to visit us! We were able to have a turn at sitting inside the truck and they fired it up so we could have a turn at spraying water using the very long hose on …

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So very kind and thoughtful…

Our children are starting to settle into their new rooms beautifully and the strongest key person bonds are already forming… This bond is HUGE for both us and our children and their parents and at Jollies we have such amazing, supportive parents who work in such close partnership with us and for this we are …

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One man’s trash is another man’s treasure…

Our junk modelling area in Free-Flow is such a popular place to be… little minds imagine, little hands create and masterpieces emerge!! Recycling at its most fun we think?! Xxxx

Pumpkin season

How many pumpkins can you spot hanging on the garland on the way up the stairs into nursery?! Sian’s challenge was accepted and I think they’ll pass as pumpkins, but don’t look too closely!! Autumnal ways and crocheting days spent here at Jollies xxxx

Logs and logs of fun!!

Our balancing logs in our garden side of our large outdoor area provide the perfect challenge for little bodies to step, stretch, climb, balance and develop core strength and control and coordination. Our children make their own risk assessments and then express their pride in their achievements as they complete their own self-selected challenges… but …

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Teapots, teapots everywhere!!

What better way to cool down on a warm day than splishing and splashing and filling and emptying and pouring bubbly water with your friends… fancy a cuppa anyone?! Learning about capacity and the language associated with volume and caring and sharing and imagining as tea parties are created in the most fun way!…. The …

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Eat, Sleep, SLIDE…. Repeat!!

We love our outdoor area here at Jollies xxxx

Role playing together is simply THE BEST (for us Jolly grown ups too!!)

This little one was the best host as she invited Imogen over to her house after a hard day’s work for Imogen being a fire fighter. She offered Imogen a cup of tea and some biscuits and when Imogen said she was going to sit back and put her feet up her response was “Okay…. …

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