Category: Uncategorized

Junk modelling!!

Our Free-Flow children experience even more independence as their Jolly learning journeys progress. They all love to explore the areas across both of their rooms, but their grownups are now encouraging them to make further independent choices and take their play off in their own wonderful, crazy, amazing self-chosen directions… They are being encouraged to …

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Tickled Pink Day

A huge, huge thank you to all our children, their mummies and daddies and Team Jollies for joining in all the recent pink fun raising awareness and money for Breast Cancer Now… we raised £174.00 in the end for this great cause. Thank you all for your pinkness and your kindness!! Xxxx

Our Jolly Experience

A huge thank you to one of our mummies for sharing her recent experience of her little one starting nursery life below… “Being a first time mum the word ‘nursery’ struck the fear of god into me! I just wanted to pause time and stay at home with my wonderful little boy forever, but needs …

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This is (unique, amazing, wonderful) ME

What do I look like? Our children have been drawing self portraits for a display that Stephen is creating within their room to reflect their wonderful selves and how they come together to form a fabulous group! Before drawing Stephen and his children talked about their facial features after looking closely in the mirror; discussing …

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Taking turns…

At nursery sharing and taking turns is important, and intrinsic in everything we do and teach, so that our children can play happily together without conflict. Recently one of our children was wanting a bike that a friend had been whizzing around on… and Stephen, after observing him standing to the side looking and beginning …

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Leaves are falling…

Autumn is calling!! The pinkness has now gone (although the collection box is still sat next to the front door for anyone still wishing to pop in some pennies for Breast Cancer Now it’ll be there until the end of this week) and Autumn has arrived in our entrance hall. Can you spot and hiding …

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Scrub a dub dub

Our babies are splashing in the tub!! xxxx

Peekaboo… with tuned in practitioners

At Jollies it’s all about the strong bonds and ‘tuning into’ what our children really desire… and this was illustrated perfectly through a recent interaction between Laura and one of her children. They brought her over some material so they could play peek-a-boo!! They were making their intentions very clear to her as they instigated …

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Hand/Eye Coordination

Emma got little fingers strengthening and hand/eye coordination growing recently when she set up an invitation to play in the messy tray. Our children threaded straw pieces onto spaghetti to create their structures and there was lots of discussion of colours and patterns and also naturally tonnes of counting too!! Yet all the while their …

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Think Pink 2023

From going on a ribbon hunt all around nursery, exploring and pouring pink water, squishing pink crazy foam, delving into sensory trays of pinkness, building pink towers, baking pink buns, decorating pink biscuits, creating shadows using pink sticky resources on the giant projector to creating a pink masterpiece… it’s all been going on here at …

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