Category: Uncategorized

More crazy, amazing interpretations of fireworks and their brilliant colours…

Crazy foam and gloop were the chosen materials to explore in this time and both enabled colours to mix in the most exciting sensory way! Some children preferred to use utensils (paintbrushes and lollipop sticks created great ‘sparklers’) but some simply wanted to get both hands stuck in and make the fireworks light up the …

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What did you do at work today?!

We bet you didn’t have your ‘face painted’ in an excellently imaginative way as you were transformed into a ‘monster’ like Imogen was?! We just love our children’s creativity and the imagination they show as they utilise the toys and resources from around their room!! xxxx

Sparkles, sparkles up high in the night sky…

Our children’s excitement has turned from all things spooky to all things sparkly as many are now excitedly talking about watching fireworks in their garden and having sparklers with their families at the weekend!! So this week, stemming from their interests, we have seen children creating bonfires out of craft materials, we’ve had children whizzing …

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We’re going on a leaf hunt!!

After going on a very exciting leaf hunt around the village collecting all things autumnal, Free-Flow have since been using their collected leaves to make their very own leaf man, just like in the story they all shared! They had to use their imaginations to help them create their masterpieces. Our children enjoyed creating their …

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At lunchtime today the tables were set for ‘spooooooooky’ as we enjoyed today’s ‘witchy woo stew’ followed by ‘ice scream’… the children were sooooooo excited by the addition of spooky sauce and sprinkles on their pudding as an extra Hallowe’en treat!!!! xxxx

Team Spooky!!!

A HUGE thank you to all our Jolly grown ups for their Hallowe’en efforts… from the dog and the frog and the cat struggling to find room on the broom to spooky dresses and pjs and tops, to sparky stars and cats… we simply have it all going on here at Jollies… Our children look …

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Sublime Slime!!!!

There’s all sorts of spookiness afoot at Jollies today!! Enter if you dare………….. xxxx

A spooktacular super-sized painting!!

Many of the invitations to play set out for our children by their Jolly grownups last week had a Hallowe’en inspired focus, because, as this exciting evening draws ever closer, it is very much on our children’s minds and we always strive to follow their interests!! We frequently overhear them excitedly talking about how they …

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Who Ya Gonna Call?!?!

Turns out we know exactly who to call… Free-Flow revealed themselves to be excellent Ghostbusters today… They hunted high and low and raced and chased until they spotted all the ghosts hidden in our outdoor area by Brooke and Imogen!! Xxxx

Spooky Season!!!!

From witches’ brews, investigating the innards of a pumpkin, dressing up in an array of Hallowe’en costumes, hammering golf tees into a pumpkin, scooping spooky jelly, finding spookiness in superb sensory trays, to bowling with ghost skittles and an ‘eyeball’ we’ve quite simply had it all going on here at Jollies this past week as …

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