Category: Uncategorized


Sometimes you’ve just got to stop and give your bestie a quick squeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzeeeee!!! Friendship is such an important part of nursery life and our children create such strong bonds throughout their nursery lives and these make their days transform from good ones into AMAZING ones!! There’s always a warm Jolly welcome for all our fabulous …

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Rolling, rolling, rolling…..

Whether inside or out conker rolling has simply been all the rage at Jollies!! Inside masterpieces were created by tilting a tray up and down, forwards and backwards and left and right and as the conkers rolled amazing marks were made… Outside, on a HUGER scale, conkers were rolled down drainpipes and they splattered and …

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Waste not, want not!!

Our lovely photographer, Kelly, has been here taking weekend family photo shoots and once she’s changed the background ready for the individual photos taking place today we have snaffled it and made use of the background that she’s discarded… It has been placed over furniture to create a ‘den’, but not just any old den… …

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Independent choosing ways…

Is what our environments here at Jollies are designed to facilitate… we want our children to be inspired and follow their interests and set their learning journeys off in their own self-chosen wonderful directions! Throughout the day they are invited to participate in adult-led activities with a specific learning intention too, but we also always …

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Superb sensory feedback…

Exploring Elephants have been exploring their senses recently when Jade set up an invitation to play and investigate with lots of sensory toys/resources on offer. She brought in fidget toys and noisy tubes for sight, touch and sound. There was a diffuser to stimulate the children’s senses of both smell and sight; as it filled …

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Bonkers about conkers!!

After all the necessary risk assessments had been carried out, and under close supervision and guidance, our children showed that they were totally bonkers about conkers! Lots of scooping and transferring of conkers was observed as our children created their own self-set challenges… mostly involving filling ALL the holes on the wooden boards. This naturally …

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Autumn ways and FABULOUS (Iron Man filled?) seasonal trays!!

This little one adored exploring the Autumn tray recently. He absolutely loved this!! Whilst playing with Emma he learned the difference between conkers, acorns and pine cones and they used lots of autumnal vocabulary linked to what they could see….. Naming certain things took a while initially for him to get his head around, but …

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The ‘I’m VERY pleased with myself face’ is rocked by this little one…

After setting himself a challenge with the 3D stacking shapes and carefully selecting and placing them and persevering (and rearranging!) until he’d achieved his desired result it was simply wonderful to see the look of total satisfaction as his 3D model was finally completed! xxxx

Sometimes in life you’ve just got to stop and ‘be a snail’….

Fiona and her children explored the possibilities of a cardboard box and their wish was her command!! xxxx

Junk modelling!!

Our Free-Flow children experience even more independence as their Jolly learning journeys progress. They all love to explore the areas across both of their rooms, but their grownups are now encouraging them to make further independent choices and take their play off in their own wonderful, crazy, amazing self-chosen directions… They are being encouraged to …

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