Category: Uncategorized

A splashing time was had by all!!

Jess and her children enjoyed seeing RED today in preparation for Red Nose Day tomorrow…. They emptied and poured and splashed together and caught balls with the net as they explored their red-themed water tray! Xxxx

Dinosaur… crunch and munch?!!

The dinosaurs are still stomping, but today it’s through a different terrain… no more painty feet… this morning it’s cereal to eat and crunch and ‘rain’ and pour and generally explore!! Our children are busy collaborating as they use the dinosaurs imaginatively and add different resources into the tray to facilitate and further their play …

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it’s a dinosaur romp!!!! Stephen carried on following the current interests of his children as their love of all things dinosaurs continued… this involved painting with them this time though!! One little one requested to paint with the dinosaurs, so that’s exactly what they all did! An invitation to play was quickly set up and …

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Self serve!

Independent ways and choosing days spent munching here at Jollies… (…. and as every moment is a learning one and a chance to develop our skills by using tongs to select our chosen pieces of fruit we were also working upon our fine motor skills and strengthening our fingers whilst having our snack!) xxxx

Moving in sooooooo many ways…

Close observation of our children’s movements is vitally important in Early Years play so we can ensure our rooms are set up to facilitate and enable the physical development opportunities they all require. Young children often have a preference for movement; some crawl, some shuffle on their bottoms, some slide on their tummies, some pull …

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Bug hotel

We are loving our visits to the bug hotel across the road We are so lucky that ‘Woodlesford in Bloom’ do such an amazing job of making our village beautiful for us all to enjoy. We loved helping them construct the bug hotel and now we are enjoying checking in on the guests who may …

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Happy Mother’s (and Others!) Day

What wonderfully special people our children have in their lives here at Jollies… today is all about YOU and celebrating how much you do for them all and to let you know just how much they all LOVE you!! Wishing you all a very special day together xxxx

Puppet shows…

….where conversation flows, where anything goes, where confidence grows, where imagination shows, where happiness and excitement courses from our head to our toes!! xxxx

World Book Day 2024!!!

A HUGE thank you to all our children and Team Jollies for getting into the World Book Day spirit today. We loved seeing everyone dressed up as their favourite book characters, or dressed in pyjamas ready to snuggle and share a story and we loved looking at the books some of our children brought in …

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Going, Going…. GONE!!!!

We are proper foodies here at Jollies… and just love to eat our breakfast, lunch and tea; with two snacks in between…. We basically eat all day here at nursery!! (….. Oh and did we mention how brilliant we are at being independent too?! Our youngest giraffes are just soooooo grown up!!!!) xxxx