Category: Uncategorized

Sensory smiles….

Sensory smiles…. When you find yourself exploring the sensory corner with Nat Nat loving all the brightly coloured ribbons and the different textures and sounds around you. Ribbons tickling the tops of heads produced the biggest giggles!!! Although shaking them in the air all around came a very close second!! Sensory fun for everyone spent …

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All in a day’s work…

(… that is…when your usual working day involves transforming yourself into a ‘big bird’!!!!) That’s the life of a Team Jolly member as your children’s interests and the spontaneity of the nursery day can take you literally anywhere and in Imogen’s case it turned her into a gigantic bird!! A couple of children had been …

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Playdough fun!!!!!!

Our babies have loved to explore the play dough recently sat at the table… They had lots of different wooden tools to roll out the dough and make marks with too! They also had some cutters to make different shapes and after careful modelling by practitioners they had soon learnt how to use them and …

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Tummy Time

Tummy time is just as important at two years as it is at two months old, as children are continuing to grow, develop and strengthen their bodies and their fine motor control and providing tummy time and the chance to make marks from a different perspective will most definitely encourage and facilitate this. So armed …

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Spectacularly Sensory!!

We love our sensory room as it’s such an exciting space to explore for all our children; from our babies to our oldest giraffes… We simply change the sensory resources within the room to match their differing needs, abilities, ages and stages of learning and interests… In these photos there are buttons to press, lights …

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Tongue’s out!!

You know our children mean business when the ‘concentration tongue’ comes out… we love it when our little ones try, try, try again to achieve their self-selected desired challenges. In this case perseverance definitely paid off as the balls eventually balanced on the tees in the dough!! Xxxx

There’s no BIG bad wolf to blow this willow house down

……… (just an amazing friend to race and chase around the decking with waiting outside the door)xxxx

Fascinated with face painting!!

This week the children in Free-Flow have been fascinated with face painting and pretending to paint their friends’ faces. This interest was shown again this morning when they imaginatively used some different coloured wooden owls to pretend to paint faces. Well you all know how we just love to follow our children’s interests here at …

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What’s cooking in our mud kitchen?!

Our little ones have a splashtastic time getting muddy and messy as they mix away!! Will you fancy a brew, or will a mud pie catch your eye?! Whatever you decide upon we know you’ll have a muddy marvellous time cooking and creating here xxxx

Yay to toothbrushing!!

Yesterday morning toothbrushing got mentioned by a few parents at drop off time; as one child had loved it and another had struggled a little over the weekend. So to encourage positive toothbrushing, supporting our parents/carers and also following on from our children’s interests Jade brought the toothbrushing box into her room and set it …

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