This little one had been very busy crafting away recently and they transformed some cardboard pieces into an aeroplane! They then went on to show the most important parts; which they carefully explained were the wings and they told everyone around them how these were going to help fly their plane!! Xxxx
Category: Uncategorized
When your sister takes you away for a surprise spa stay for your 50th birthday…….
. but you find that your little people are never far from your mind!! Couldn’t resist gathering this lovely bounty from their stunning grounds as I know they’ll make an excellent addition to our mud kitchen… I even checked with reception first before collecting and think it officially went down as their most random request …
The challenge was on!!!!
During outdoor play recently Free-Flow really used their imaginations and combined the hula hoop and ball they had found and did something a little bit different to their usual preference for spinning or kicking!! Stephen was requested and soon instructed about EXACTLY what was required of him… he then stood with the hula hoop whilst …
Steady…. Steady…. Higher… Higher…. CRASH!!!!!
It was concentration faces at the ready in Cheeky Monkeys recently as the room are currently loving building and stacking! So Elise thought her little ones could do with a further challenge of some slightly trickier things to stack and balance than your ‘bog standard’ cubes!! She went on a hunt and returned with some …
I like driving in my car…
With a push from a friend I will go far!! We are loving playing with the ride on/push along vehicles at the moment and we take turns and share well whilst whizzing and honing our physical skills, control, core strength, coordination, balance and spatial awareness!! BEEP, BEEP… coming through!!!! Xxxx
Love it when a plan comes together!!!
Stephen observed one of his little ones being very busy and super creative with the construction set! He asked him what he was making and he said “a big, big boat”. A friend then intervenes and helps him to extend his boat further, by sharing ideas and thoughts about how they could build it even …
We are mathemagicians!!
Recently our oldest children have been working upon their fine motor skills and training up their mathematical minds with Emily! Using tweezers they explored a sensory tray filled with tissue paper, feathers and ribbons. They were aiming to uncover both marbles and… numbers!! The numbers 1-7 were hidden throughout the tray. Once they found them …
Squishy, squashy, craziness!!!!
Recently Laura and her Possums decided to have a VERY messy morning… They used their senses to touch, feel and smell the crazy foam. They all enjoyed squishing it between their fingers and some of the group did this with their toes too!! Their most favourite thing of all to do though was to put …
Spreading Independence
Alice and Emma helped develop their children’s independence skills at breakfast time recently… at Jollies the learning starts from the moment our little ones step through the door The children developed their hand/eye coordination and fine motor skills as they used their knives to spread their butter over their toast. They manoeuvred knives with care …
We are so proud of our lovely Elise….
Massive congratulations to Elise who has just been sent her Level 2 certificate. She has done so brilliantly on her childcare journey so far and she’s whizzing straight on to her Level 3 which we are certain she’ll complete in no time We have loved Elise being part of our Jolly Family for the past …