Author's posts

The ART of conversation

A wonderful morning spent here when this little one drew their lovely family and proceeded to tell NatNat (in detail!) who each person was and they positively glowed as they talked about them with such excitement and pride! Arty days and conversational ways spent together here at Jollies xxxx

Looking Gorgeous

Who knew shiny, shiny things could bring so much pleasure to our little ones?! Their key people did clearly; as they’d observed them spontaneously looking in the room’s mirror and giggling as they loved looking at their gorgeous reflections… So the ultimate shiny ‘tuff tray’ was set up to extend their current observed interest xxxx

Staying Cool In THE Best Possible Way

Our nursery is truly a home from home and when your little one joins our Jolly Family they will embark upon the best possible learning journey as they experience daily adventures with their friends. Just like you’d get the paddling pool out in the garden at home, weather permitting, we do exactly the same here …

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Table For Two?!

Such imagination as these two friends dined together… they chatted, giggled and feasted until their hearts were truly content xxxx

A day in the life of a Jolly practitioner…

We know our children inside out, we welcome them with open arms and hearts, we meet their every need, we know what we want them to learn next, we observe them closely in order to guide their future fun and learning, we keep them safe throughout the day, we encourage them to explore and discover …

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Waterplay the jolly way

Water-pistols, Ducks, Balls, Cups and Crocodiles… It can only be water play… the Jolly way!! xxxx

Our 2023 Reception Class School Leavers Trip to Swithens Farm in Rothwell…

The day started off in a super exciting way as we all caught the 446 bus to Rothwell. We loved going on the bus as we regularly get very excited as we see these buses from our room’s window and wave, so to actually go on one was fantastic! But…… it got even more exciting …

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Goodness Gracious Great Bowls of Fun!!

It started off filled with balls as our children explored rolling the balls down the ramp in our garden… there was much excitement as the differing balls rolled down and the Jolly grown-ups used this opportunity to cleverly extend their children’s vocabulary naturally around colour, length, speed and distance as the balls’ journeys were instinctively …

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Thank You NHS

Inspired by 75 fabulous years of our NHS our children set about caring for them and making their friends feel much better. Perhaps we have some future fabulous doctors and nurses here at Jollies…. Xxxx

5,4,3,2,1 BLAST OFF!!….

We blasted off into sensory heaven the other day with a giant space themed painting! We started off with a crinkly emergency blanket for our base, added some slimy paint, some sensory silver balls (that make different sounds when rolled) and a selection of different rollers and cutters to make shapes in the paint. It …

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