We simply love to follow our children’s interests here at Jollies as they can lead us to some crazy, amazing places and the very best learning takes place when our children are fully engaged, absorbed and engrossed!
Some of our oldest children are currently OBSESSED with bringing stories to life and creating puppet shows and role-playing. So we had a bit of a re-jig of one of the rooms and switched and swapped resources to create them some more open-ended spaces to develop their scenarios… We know they’ll adore dressing up and turning the spaces available into a princess castle, an ogre’s lair, the Gruffalo’s cave, a superhero tower, an afternoon tea party or the feast at a ball…. We can’t wait to see where our children’s imaginations will take them to next…
(This is also proving an excellent opportunity to work upon looking after things and keeping the room tidy so our friends don’t trip up over clippy-cloppy shoes that have been abandoned in the middle of the floor; as we talked about putting shoes back in the basket and clothes back on the hangers before selecting our next exciting outfits AND this is a wonderful opportunity to develop our independence skills as we dress and undress whilst taking our costumes on and off AND also helping each other to do up buttons or Velcro too… after all, teamwork makes the dream work!!) xxxx