A silly five minutes!!

Lauren had been laid on the floor playing with her children (as we know that there’s far more fun to be had, and better quality learning to be taking place, whilst getting down to our children’s levels to interact, rather than just sitting at a table in a restrictive style!) when these little ones decided it would be much more fun to climb up and sit on top of her rather than sit next to her…

Piling on Lauren seemed be the name of the game from then on…. Oh that and also pulling the craziest of faces whilst doing so too!! Our children had spotted her nearby tablet and they just had to share their crazy ways (and faces!!) with their mummies and daddies in a silly selfie moment.

Strong Jolly bonds and ‘crazy daisy’ moments bring laughter to our days here at Jollies!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ xxxx