We are all beautiful inside and out…


Imogen had a brilliant conversation when she was with one of her little ones who had noticed something different on her face and he was curious about what it was… They used the mirror to look and Imogen quickly realised that it was her freckles (that had come out) that he had noticed!

They then used the mirror again and he looked to see if he had any freckles on his face, but he couldn’t spot any…

This then sparked a conversation about how everyone is different and how we are all beautiful inside and out and how people can have different features; like different coloured eyes, hair and skin, but that we are all amazing!

Looking at reflections soon led on to them both taking silly selfies too! Everyone knows our children love any excuse to strike a pose and squeeze in a quick selfie!! ????????????????

Closely observing days and celebrating our unique and wonderful ways spent deep in conversation together here at Jollies ♥️ xxxx