This morning this little one came into nursery asking to make a pirate ship again after having previously built one with Emma several weeks ago…
This time he had a few specifications, which meant Lauren and Kirstan had to get to work right away creating a fireable canon, a flag and ensuring that a plank and steering wheel were added.. no pressure right?!
Well the room achieved it by working together and they even added in some dressing up too to further aid and extend the imaginative play!
To say he was made up didn’t really begin to describe his sheer excitement and he certainly had his shipmates in ‘ship shape’ and everyone loved joining in the fun that he had inspired.
It makes Sian and I soooooo very proud when our Jolly practitioners just ‘get’ their children so completely and we can see that they would literally do anything they could to make their children’s wishes come true.
Inspiring play in the VERY best way… it’s just another day here at Jollies xxxx